Car #381 has been donated! This wagon went to a gentleman working with Presentation Partners in Housing.
He's been homeless for a long time, recently loosing his son in a violent murder. He has been trying to pay off funeral costs but was robbed and attacked a few weeks ago. The attack resulted in many medical issues requiring continuous medical appts. He is trying to get life back in order and maintain independence and stability.
He was working at a local warehouse in 2020 and was laid off with no call back. His 84 year old mother became ill in the East Coast and during a visit, got in a car accident that totaled his car.
With no transportation, he struggled to find employment and life spiraled into homelessness. Recent tragedies and difficulties have proved challenging but with the help of PPIH, and now the gift of this vehicle, life can hopefully stabilize and get back on track for this determined man.
Big thanks to our regular volunteers and group of fine gentleman from New Life Center's Genesis Program, who made the repairs on this vehicle.