This nice little low mileage Ford Focus went to a lady working with YWCA Cass Clay.
She has set a goal of securing employment with local a home health agency. Home health positions require employees to have their own transportation.
She is currently utilizing the bus system and/or cabs for her daily activities. The bus routes do not meet all of her transportation needs and cabs are expensive and out of her budget This vehicle would allow her to have more options in employment opportunities and shift scheduling.Upon receiving her keys, she was very emotional and appreciative of he opportunities it will afford her. It is even painted her favorite color!
The recipient reactions are so rewarding for us here at the Ministry. We wish that you, our supporters, could witness the gratitude and thankfulness that many exhibit when receiving their new independent transportation. It is a strong reaffirmation of the importance of this mission and why we continue to do God's work here.
Big thanks to the family that donated this clean, well-loved car and to our amazing volunteer labor teams for making the repairs.Shout out to our friends at Seventh Avenue Auto Salvage who continue to go above and beyond for us in finding parts for these vehicles. Their dedication is instrumental in helping us get these cars into the hands of those most in need in our community.
God's blessings to you all!